25 November 2011

Video of the week #2 -- the Trifelj Putinard

Yep, this is pretty much what all religious ceremonies look like to us non-believers.


Blogger Ahab said...

Awesome beyond awesomeness. Thanks for posting this. I had no idea that jewel-encrusted orb held an alien brain, or that nuns were actually living hard drives.

25 November, 2011 09:00  
Blogger mendip said...


25 November, 2011 10:35  
Anonymous krissthesexyatheist said...

I don't remember it like that. anywho...howz about some blogroll action homie. thanks.



26 November, 2011 11:13  
Blogger Jack Jodell said...

HA! Such blasphemy, although I had a great chuckle viewing it! :-)

26 November, 2011 12:03  

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