14 December 2006

Comment problems

So far, three different people at various times have told me that they tried to contribute comments to postings on this site, but were unable to do so due to various problems with the comments system.

If you try to comment and can't, feel free to e-mail me (belay4365 [at] mypacks.net) with what you want to say and whether you want it posted anonymously or under a name of your choosing, and I'll accommodate you (within reason). I want the feedback on what I write, I really do!

Lights are flickering. Better post this and log out.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Infidel, part of the problem when I had fought with the commenting system was that I had to re-sign up for the new version, even though I already had a Google account and an old Blogger account. Grr! But it might work for others as well. Just log into your existing Google account, if you have one, then set up, through that, your new Blogger account. Even if you thought you already had. Not the answer to all the glitches, but a step. :( Hopefully the new version will be smoothed out soon enough.

And I hope you're having a perfect, quiet quality time with some good books. Have a particular favorite out of your list?

14 December, 2006 20:52  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

No sign of any Infidels blowing around in the sky today, so is it safe to assume you made it through the weather alright? *hoping*

15 December, 2006 12:26  
Blogger Infidel753 said...

While being swept over Minnesota I kept an eye out for that car of yours in hopes of gliding in for a safe landing in semi-familiar territory, but no such luck.....:)

The multiplication of accounts under Goggle and Blooger may be part of the problem. It's erratic, though. One person a month or two agao told me she couldn't see the Turing letter sequence she had to type in. I sometimes have to type it two or three times before it's accepted, on my own site or those of others. Oh, well, I suppose they will get their software straightened out eventually. In the meantime, the e-mail does seem to be reliable as an alternative.

15 December, 2006 19:05  
Blogger Infidel753 said...

PS -- As for current reading, right now I'm about halfway through William Barton's Dark Sky Legion which, while well worth the read, is in all honesty not up to the standard of his best works such as Alpha Centauri or the stunning When Heaven Fell. Still, as matters developed, conditions last night were not conducive to catching up on my reading after all -- see today's follow-up posting above.

15 December, 2006 19:57  

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