16 October 2023

Yes, it could happen here

The atrocities of Hamas in the recent invasion of Israel have horrified and shocked the civilized world.  Yet, in a way, perhaps only half of that reaction is justified.  It is certainly horrifying to see these barbarians taking hostages, gang-raping women, massacring innocent partygoers, exulting over their bloody victims with vicious howls of Allahu akbar, butchering small children and the elderly, burning people to death, uploading video of their acts to the victims' social media to deepen the agony of their families, and so on -- but it should not be shocking.  These are Islamist fanatics, and we already know what they're like, and what they are.  They do that kind of thing because that is the kind of thing they do.  We should be outraged, yes, but not really surprised.

The more profound shock, to me, has been the reaction of so many people within the West itself.  As news and images of these hideous acts spread around the world, mobs in city after city took to the streets, not to protest the evil or show solidarity with the victims, but to celebrate the perpetrators.  Palestinian flags abounded.  Signs proclaimed the Hamas invasion a war of "liberation" and "decolonization", and Israel an "apartheid" state.  Chants of "from the river to the sea" exulted at the imagined total annihilation of Israel and its replacement by a regime of the kind of butchers and rapists and sadists we saw in action on October 7.  It is exactly as if the discovery of the Nazi death camps in 1945 had triggered mass demonstrations all over Europe and America with people waving swastika flags, declaring Germany the wronged victim of the war, and endorsing the Nazis' demands for Lebensraum and their denunciations of the "evil" Jews.

This phenomenon has been massive, and not at all subtle.  The march in London alone drew fifty thousand participants.  Demonstrators in Sydney, Australia, chanted "gas the Jews" and other explicitly anti-Semitic slogans.  In Berlin, someone has been going around marking places where Jewish people live with the Star of David.  An American congresswoman continued to display a Palestinian flag outside her office even after the horrors it represents came to light, while a senator spewed a sewer of lies and distortions trying to both-sides the attack.  Academics twisted reality beyond recognition to blame the victim.  There have been many other similarly disturbing reports, too many to keep track of.

After decades of idiots absurdly watering down the word "Nazi" by throwing it at anyone who disagreed with them, the actual, literal Nazis have shown up in force at last -- and they're largely people who identify with the left.  The situation on university campuses has been especially bad.  While a solid majority of Americans are pro-Israel, the young are significantly less so.

I hope it's mostly ignorance that is fueling this shocking hatred.  Since the Middle East was my area of specialization when I was in academia, and it's the part of the world I know the most about, the prevalence of misinformation about the whole Arab-Israeli conflict is very visible to me.  But I fear that it's something worse, especially since this neo-Nazi eruption is happening mostly among younger people.   It may be that, as the Holocaust passes out of living memory, the West's centuries-old traditional anti-Semitism, the madness of the pogroms and the blood libels, is re-emerging. I really never thought this could happen here.  But that's what they thought in Germany before 1933.

Nazi Germany redux?  Could that really be possible in the future of modern, enlightened America and Europe?  I honestly no longer feel confident that the answer is no.  We have just witnessed actual -- not hypothetical -- mass murder of Jews, followed by mass demonstrations glorifying the murderers, in the cities that make up the core of our civilization.  Never in my lifetime have I seen such naked, unashamed cheering for evil in the West, on such a large scale.  When right-wing extremists commit some outrage like Oklahoma City or January 6, it's common for the rank-and-file far-right to denounce the act as a "false flag", faked by their enemies -- however extreme their rhetoric, when they see its ugly implications in reality, they recoil from endorsing it.  These people are fully aware of what Hamas did, and with very few exceptions, they are not denying it.  They are celebrating it.  It's not much of a leap from there to literal endorsement of another Auschwitz.

I don't think that will happen.  But I can no longer say it's impossible, even here in the United States.  If so many people here have sunk this low in the decades since the defeat of the original Nazis, then one or two more generations, and.....

Israel was originally founded in part as a refuge -- a place where future Jews fleeing persecution would never be turned away, because it would be a Jewish country, guaranteeing at least one safe haven in the world.  The recent outpouring of venom by its enemies has reaffirmed that part of the necessity of its existence.

I don't want to end on that note.  If this hoary evil has suddenly raised its head again, it is nowhere near triumphant.  Civilization and decency are resisting it, and resisting forcefully.  I've already mentioned the Biden administration's strong support for Israel.  The UK leadership has been equally solid.  Celebrators of genocide in our universities are being forcefully rebuked, as are the both-sides propagandists of the MSM.  The majority is still sane.  The German government has made its stance clear, while the media there are exposing the cancer of anti-Semitism.

I'll give the last word to Eric Adams, the mayor of New York:


Blogger nick said...

The support for the Hamas butchers, especially among supposed left-wingers, is baffling. It reminds me of the widespread support for IRA violence during the Troubles. How can people justify such ruthless destruction and over 3,500 deaths? How can that possibly be any kind of freedom or liberation or justice? As you say, the worry is that this pro-Hamas tendency will escalate and become a serious political horror.

16 October, 2023 04:38  
Blogger John A Hill said...

A well written post -- one worth sharing.
I'm sharing the link on my FB page.

16 October, 2023 06:34  
Blogger NickM said...

I wrote this last night in reply to your earlier post. I think it fits better here. I didn't hit "Publish" for reasons I have explained in my revised earlier reply...

Israel's biggest proximate probelem is that it is seen as the agressor by many. Even if the IDF try to minimise civilian collateral (and they do) it will be seen otherwise. There have been large pro-Palestinian/Hamas protests in cities across the UK this last weekend. All painted Israel as the black hats.

Ultimately though, Hamas (and the rest) need to be beaten definitively and their supporters shown the evil. In 1945 Allied troops frog-marched ordinary Germans to the camps. The message being, "No, don't look away, your command did this, you were complicit". Since 1945 Germany has become a model international citizen (and Germans have done very well out of it - ultimately exporting luxury cars is more profitable than exporting genocide). How this can be done in the ME is beyond me but that is the only good way I can see this end. End well, anyway. It could of course end very badly. Or just continue ad nauseum.

Hamas be fucked. The "Arab Street" has to face reality and man-up to it. Germany did that, Japan did that. Would you rather live in Gaza City or Hamburg? Tokyo or Tehran? For you or me these aren't even really questions. How does the Islamic Middle East get to the same thinking?

I have no idea. If anyone can work that one it is the Nobel Peace Prize plus-ultra. It's not just contrition but a realisation that it is better to put one's efforts into self-improvement than mindless hate. It is better to re-fit your own bathroom than to, out of sheer spite use those resources to shit on your neighbour's lawn because they've got a nicer bathroom than you have.

That this seems so obvious to me is perhaps why the solution seems so difficult to me. How do you argue for an axiomatically obvious truth?

16 October, 2023 07:01  
Blogger Infidel753 said...

Nick: Especially in the case of the northern Ireland violence, I think there's an element of knee-jerk hostility to their own government -- they don't know much about a given conflict, but if they hate the government, then whoever is attacking it, however brutal, must be the good guys. I saw a lot of that kind of mentality when I was at university here in the US. It enables people who are totally ignorant to be serenely certain that they're right.

But the sympathy for anti-Israel violence, I'm convinced, is just the ancient traditional anti-Semitism in a new "woke" guise.

John: Thanks -- I appreciate it.

NickM: Israel's biggest proximate probelem is that it is seen as the agressor by many

The problem is why that is. Again, for some, it may be simply ignorance of the history of the conflict -- analogous to the idiocy of people who think the US was morally wrong to use the atom bombs on Japan. But to the root-and-branch anti-Semite, just the very fact of Jews existing, much less having control over their own country instead of being mere helpless punching bags as they had been for centuries, seems somehow wrong, even outrageous. To them, Israel's very existence is somehow a form of "aggression". This kind of mentality is widespread in the Middle East as well as Europe and the US.

Normally, wars end when somebody wins them. Nobody talked about a ceasefire with Germany in 1945. We just kept bombing their cities into ruins and conquering their territory until they surrendered unconditionally, then took away one-quarter of their country and gave it to Poland, which promptly kicked out the entire German population. That's how they learned -- "Don't do this kind of shit again, because it has consequences." If any of the major Arab-Israeli wars back in the twentieth century had been allowed to end that way -- Cairo and Damascus bombed into ruins, all those countries' infrastructure smashed to hell, another wave of twenty million refugees, their entire governments wiped out -- then that would probably have been the end of the conflict. But there were always outsiders rushing in to arrange a ceasefire and save the aggressors from real defeat. Since the conflict was never allowed to end, it just continued. Maybe now Israel is so furious it won't allow itself to be restrained.

Certainly the huge intelligence failure, the way Israel was taken by surprise, argues for that. There's no way Netanyahu survives that politically. He's got nothing left to lose.

17 October, 2023 06:22  
Blogger NickM said...

Yeah, well, the armistice with Germany in 1918 turned swell didn't it?

Yes, Israel as a strong, independent, modern nation with a high-standard of living, kick-ass tech industries somehow boils a lot of people's piss. And not that I want to go on about the "Queers for Palestine" thing but surely these people must, at some level, be aware that Tel Aviv is gayer than a tree full of monkeys?

Yes, Germany and Japan learned the hard way. Look at them now?

If the Arab nations (inc "Palestine") had over the decades put anything like as much effort into building rather than hating...

Instead they've got themselves into a death-spiral of hate because their poverty and degradation is obviously someone else's fault. Obviously. Perhaps they hate Israel so viciously because that is a focal point rather than the incredibly nebulous concept of "The West". Oh, and it's next door. It's a closer letterbos to piss through.

I cannot stand the idea so assumed by many that Israel ought to act "proportionally". It always turns up. Every time. It's the route to eternal war. Which I suspect is what a lot of the Arab leadership wants in order to keep the proles down in a very "1984" manner. I mean if the external "Big Evil" is finally vanquished then people might start asking questions about internal matters such as poverty and degradation. Some might even start demanding basic freedoms...

17 October, 2023 08:18  
Anonymous CAS said...

You're right Infidel. The atrocities committed by Hamas are far beyond normally accepted forms of militancy. The Hamas organization has shown itself to be in the same league as ISIS. They have to be stopped. In the past, I've joined in demonstrations to establish a Palestinian state but would never consider joining the small group of Palestinian flag-wavers that showed up on Michigan's campus last week.

My post this week has little to do with Israel's horrific predicament other than to suggest that when atrocities reach a certain level, even the most peace-loving of people are compelled to retaliate. Israel is in such a situation.

17 October, 2023 08:52  
Blogger Infidel753 said...

NickM: I don't know how much the "Queers for Palestine" and suchlike groups know about Israel, but I'd bet it's very little. The mere usage of "apartheid" in reference to Israel is enough to forfeit any claim to be taken seriously.

It's not the Israeli government's job to act "proportionately". It's their job to protect their population. That means eradicating Hamas. They should minimize enemy civilian casualties as much as they can while still reaching that goal, but the bottom line is that Hamas has to be eradicated.

CAS: It's absurd that some in the media are calling terrorists and rapists and murderers "militants". If the same people had been running the media back then, they'd probably have called the Waffen-SS "militants".

I don't see how anyone can still consider a Palestinian state desirable. We've seen ample evidence of what it would be like.

18 October, 2023 01:01  
Blogger NickM said...

"Apartheid" alas, has become a word like "Fascist" or Nazi". Completely divorced from the original and very specific context. These terms just mean "bad".

18 October, 2023 07:09  
Blogger Infidel753 said...

To some extent that's true, but I think it really does retain more of its specific meaning for most people -- and its misuse is thus even more reprehensible.

19 October, 2023 04:48  

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