27 October 2023

Improving words (31)

More revised word definitions -- what the words visibly should mean, based on spelling.....

Appendage:  The era when computer programs cease to exist

Ashamed:  To cremate a medication

Betroth:  To gamble away your retirement account

Cantina:  To fire Ms Turner

Conquest:  A heroic journey undertaken by a prisoner

Ewok:  An electronic Asian cooking vessel

Hundred:  A scarlet German dog

Melatonin:  Mr Gibson, doin' penance for his sins

Painted:  To inflict suffering on Theodore

Pedometer:  One who metes out justice to pedophiles

Peter Pan:  A kitchen utensil for frying schlongs

Pinkerton:   A two-thousand-pound weight in a more Barbie-appropriate color

Rambling:  Jewelry worn by a male sheep

Secretarial:  An undercover font

Seeding:  To notice a small dent in your car

Sheraton:  The lady betrays

Tangent:  An honorable man with skin darkened by sunlight damage

Tormentor:  Someone who helps you learn how to use anonymous online communication

Transplant:  A person who self-identifies as a plant

Vampire:  The anger of a seductive woman

Yellow:  To cry out in pain

[The previous "improving words" post is here.]


Blogger NickM said...

First off...

That's not an Imperial Pinkerton...

Or even a Metric one.

Oh, and someone got to "Transplant" before you...


The Hell with it! I'm now a Sith Lord and if you don't agree I shall use the Farce against you.


Darth Hilarious.

27 October, 2023 03:40  
Blogger Infidel753 said...

Well, at least "not a ton" is briefly palindromic. And we all know what "Sith" is an easy anagram of.

27 October, 2023 06:44  
Blogger NickM said...

I hadn't thought of the palindrome aspect. Infidel, you are truly a scholar and a gentleman. Whereas I am merely This Lord.

Yes, I have the the most fundamental human right to choose my pronoun and I'm going for a demonstrative one. And this is the greatest human right. The freedom to speak freely, bear arms (or indeed bare arms - try that in Saudi Arabia if you're a woman), choose one own's faith (or lack thereof) and all the rest of that nonsense that folks like Locke wrote about or appears in the laws and constitutions of the free nations matters not a jot in comparison...

27 October, 2023 07:26  
Blogger Mary Kirkland said...

Peter Pan is the funniest.

29 October, 2023 01:20  
Blogger Infidel753 said...

I don't think the Saudis would be too keen on women bearing arms either.....

29 October, 2023 01:21  
Blogger Infidel753 said...

Mary K: And also the ouch-iest.....

29 October, 2023 01:26  

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