13 October 2024

Link round-up for 13 October 2024

Various interesting stuff I ran across on the net over the last week.

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At this job, you will make lots of money.

Well, that's one way of discouraging pursuit.

The bird knows where to attack.

"Someone turned off my alarm."

Dressing like this imposes certain limitations.

You won't know which way to turn.

He's completely encircled.

OK, I'll stop running now..... oops.

Simon's Cat encounters a terrifying monster which tries to devour him.

The road is icy, let's take the bus instead of driving.

This is the reality of movies.

Hatch the egg!

This home is well prepared for Halloween.

More creepy stuff here, including a skeleton pole dancer.

Being spooky can get awkward.

Lady M's home graveyard is up.

Some of those Halloween skeletons of things that don't have skeletons are just whimsical artistic license.

Dark Thoughts blog has scary visions of ghosts.

The South Park Horror House looks thoroughly creepy.

Some people really get into the seasonal spirit.

The Manitou Springs CO skeleton craze is in full swing, with childless cat lady skeletons making some appearances.

Bored with staying at ordinary hotels?  Check out these Halloween-appropriate alternatives.

What a bizarre fog.

It's laser art.

Fight the power -- with frozen chickens.

These bees' behavior will just blow you away.

Cultivators are improving the power of shrooms.

Some ctenophores can survive injuries by fusing together with each other, creating a new, combined individual.

The puya raimondi is an unusual plant.

We've studied thousands of planets in other solar systems.  The media love to claim that some of them are "Earthlike" or "habitable".  They aren't -- not even close.

Agriculture is actually tens millions of years old.

We now have an amazingly detailed map of a fruit fly's brain.

See what's so special about the number 6174.

Today's "AI" hype is hopelessly out of touch with reality.

It's Biblical truth.

See image collections at Christine's Blog and Earth-Bound Misfit.

Would you want servants, if you could afford them?

Don't believe everything you read.

The newest Tesla thing looks like a giant art-deco toaster and is so low to the ground I don't see how it could handle ordinary speed bumps.  Jawa style is much classier (NSFW blog, requires Blogspot login).

The ultra-hyped "robotaxi" is such a flop that it provoked a Tesla stock sell-off.

The works of a prominent Southern writer explore a history of racism and brutality.

Trump posters here.


The Duckduckgo browser offers an option for watching YouTube ad-free.

An "artist" who uses "AI" -- that is, gets machines to make pictures for him out of imagery stolen from real artists -- is trying to copyright the stuff.

SickoRicko blog observes World Homeless Day (NSFW blog, requires Blogspot login).

Utah book-banners are going after Little Free Libraries now.

What a bunch of bullcrap.  I don't give a shit if somebody's dumbass religion says I can't look at a natural phenomenon.

"Cylinders, no wings, no nothing, and they're coming down very slowly, landing on a raft....."

Commuting helicopters are not a good idea.

Of course he's threatening us, you fool.  It's what he does.

They invade the territory, then tell the natives to get out.

Kansas City is a booming town these days, and Taylor Swift is part of the reason.

Punch the Nazi.

Men, please don't take dating advice from this bunch of freaks and creepazoids.

Normal people are sick and tired of being harassed by assholes.

This religio-wingnut military officer even tried to bugger up his unit's Halloween party.

"The wind is bullshit."

As insane governments re-introduce dangerous predatory animals into populated areas, they pose an increasing threat to humans.  I posted about this issue here.

Your vote does matter, even though it's only one among millions.

Don't repeat the mistake of voting third party to "send a message".

Columbia university's most prominent anti-Israel group endorses violence and retracts an apology for murderous rhetoric.

Woketardian purity mania is beginning to devour itself.

In Alaska, a Democrat has won a race in a district Trump won by 15 points in 2020, continuing the post-Dobbs pattern of Democrats far outperforming historic norms.

Rape culture returns via dishonest language.

No matter how much self-hatred a Jewish person displays, it will never be good enough for the anti-Semites.

The idiotic conspiratardia about the hurricanes is leading to death threats against meteorologists.  Elon Musk is helping to spread lies.

Trump is a pathetic totalitarian.

Stand with her, always (click blurred-out image to view).

Barry Goldwater anticipated today's degenerated Republican party.

I found this on a right-wing blog, presumably meant as "humor".  And this was posted on another right-wing blog with the headline "valid questions for a neighbor".  Some people are reduced to frothing rage at the very concept of an opinion different from their own, apparently.

In Europe, the Putin regime has been bribing politicians to spread its propaganda.  I have no doubt that they've been doing the same here.

Trump promotes anti-vax bullshit, raising the risk of future disease outbreaks.

October 7 is remembered at The Far Corner Café and The New Neo.

While US Muslims increasingly lean Republican, Jewish voters overwhelmingly support the Democrats.

Religion-dominated cultures are ugly.  Don't let it happen here.

Trump's aggressive economic policies would hurt the US even more than other countries.

In New York City, anti-Semitic crimes have surged this year.

Abortion rights are the top election issue for women voters under thirty.

Here's an update on the fight to save Title IX.

Republicans play petty political games with disastrous hurricanes.

Anti-Israel "protesters" in the US make their Jew-hatred plain, as well as their support of terrorism and atrocities.  These thugs are harassing a Jewish congressman and his family and neighbors at their own home.

Authoritarianism, and the lawlessness that it fosters, lead to chaos and poverty.  The US would be especially vulnerable to this.

Privatized or all-volunteer fire departments can't replace tax-supported ones.

Millions of evangelicals aren't planning to vote, endangering Trump's chances.

Election workers face a deluge of threats.

If Trump loses in November, the Republican party will face a profound existential crisis.

Much of the world has betrayed the Jewish people.

Blue-state leaders are preparing to minimize the damage from a second Trump administration.

Trump and Vance are plotting to destroy Obamacare.

Here's what life is like now for a Jewish family in London.

In a German town, Stolpersteine commemorating Holocaust victims have been vandalized and stolen.

Russian soldiers are using military drones to attack random civilians in Ukraine.

Poland takes its NATO responsibilities very seriously.

More video here of Ukrainians destroying Russian weapons.

Modern land mines are super effective.

The Iranian theocracy has suffered a major cyber-attack.

When Israel attacked a Russian airbase in Syria, Russian air defenses proved useless (link from Reaganite Independent).

More links at WAHF and Perfect Number.

My posts this week:  an ancient and unique evil, an image round-up, and more older music worth keeping.


Only 18 days until Halloween!

The last day of my current job is now supposed to be Thursday (the schedule keeps changing).  After that I should be able to approve comments more quickly.


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