Stand with Ukraine, Israel, Taiwan -- with democracy and civilization against tyranny and barbarism
30 May 2008
Atheism at last!
I like this little music video about religion (in French with English subtitles, though the latter are rather hard to read in places). Fans of the Pope, and of appeasing Islamic imperialism, probably won't much care for it. It's gentle in tone but very true.
Deep sigh. I am in a crap ass mood today, so I hope that I do not say anything that I regret. (and watching these did not help.)
Here goes... I watched both videos all the way through. That's just the way I roll, if I am going to comment, I am compelled to know that I can do so from a place of honesty.
I feel so demeaned by these videos. You know that I (and I can promise you that I am not alone) have no interest in putting down atheists or agnostics.
Other than propping up a wounded ego, what purpose does putting down another have? I say the same things to Christians who condemn you, Muslims that would kill you etc etc.
What is the point of supporting ones own position by the mockery of another's? I am so lost on that one.
You and your readers can hate or deride me, but I really hate that the only images ever shown are those - plentiful indeed - of the ugly side to religion.
There is no shortage of crimes in the name of God, but honestly there is also a lot of good. Even if you are unwilling to acknowledge it.
And on the topic of homosexuality, you read my blog Infidel and I do not know if you are paying attention, but there are numerous blogs on my blogroll that are the blogs of gay clergy and or clergy open to LGBT ministry.
So by lumping all "believers" into one handy, stupid package you demean all of us as human beings.
Why I would even bother to rant on about this is because I am ever curious about how one might promote one's position by simply putting down another's?
Voices like the ones in the video (although i must say i found that man attractive) are equal in timber to the voice of John Hagee and Rod Parsley to me.
And I want to tell all of them to STFU.
In the little that I know you in the blogworld, I have found you to be a person of intelligence and integrity
None of which is served by the posting of this video.
But hey it is your blog, your opinion. I can just go away. For some odd reason, I prefer not to.
I really hate that the only images ever shown are those - plentiful indeed - of the ugly side to religion.
That is not so. Our society is inundated in pro-religious sentiment -- drowning in it. The religious dominate utterly. It is those of us who are free of religion who are relentlessly vilified and defamed.
There are parts of our country where it is socially or even physically dangerous to be known as an atheist.
No serious Presidential candidate would dare reveal himself or herself openly as an atheist. All of them profess to be, and may actually be, religious. The intolerance of the religious demands it.
I am ever curious about how one might promote one's position by simply putting down another's?
You call it putting down another's position -- I call it exposing an evil which most people still refuse to acknowledge.
Everything in those videos is true. The holy books do say those things. The religious have done those things.
I know that you personally aren't like that, but people like you aren't what concerns me. What concerns me is people like those who want to ban abortion, those who will vote down gay marriage in California in November, those who oppose stem-cell research, those who slam airplanes into our skyscrapers or blow themselves up inside Israeli commuter buses.
So, yes, calling attention to these videos does indeed serve the causes of intelligence and integrity.
You may not like what they say, but it is true.
I don't devote nearly as much space on my site to religion as most atheist bloggers do -- frankly there are other subjects I find much more interesting -- but since I do regard religion as an evil, I reserve the right to occasionally post things that express the reasons why I feel that way.
Whether it is true or not is completely subjective.
No, it is not. It is an objectively-verifiable fact.
Those words are in those holy books. That is a fact. It is not subjective. It is not opinion. It is not subject to debate. It is true. Period.
Religious people have done the things that the videos imply they have done. That is a fact. It is not subjective. It is not opinion. It is not subject to debate. It is true. Period.
So can life - with or without religion.
You might as well say that life with or without cancer can be bad. That's true, but so what? It doesn't change the fact that cancer is bad.
I would never deny that all sorts of evil have and continue to be done in the name of religion. There is no argument there and there never was on that part of it. That is all I can say without this escalating.
Other than that, I can't see the point in arguing with you.
Let us please continue to agree to disagree. I have no axe to grind and nothing to prove to you. I live my life in peace and wish for you to do the same - all with our freedom.
Please be on-topic and read the comments policy. Spam, trolls, and fight-pickers will be deleted. If you don't have a Blogspot account and aren't sure how to comment, please see here. Fair warning: anything supporting transgender ideology, or negative toward Brexit, or in favor of a military draft or compulsory national service, will be deleted. I am not obligated to provide a platform for views I find morally abhorrent.
On work days there is likely to be a substantial delay in approving comments, since I can't do blog stuff in an office. For this I apologize.
Individualist, pro-technology, pro-democracy, anti-religion. I speak only for myself and not for any ideology, movement, or party. It has been my great good fortune to live my whole life free of "spirituality" of any kind. I believe that evidence and reason are the keys to understanding reality; that technology rather than ideology or politics has been the great liberator of humanity; and that in the long run, human intelligence is the most powerful force in the universe.
well, that was depressing. Thanks.
I enjoyed these. Thanks.
Your friendly religious blogger here to visit.
Deep sigh. I am in a crap ass mood today, so I hope that I do not say anything that I regret. (and watching these did not help.)
Here goes... I watched both videos all the way through. That's just the way I roll, if I am going to comment, I am compelled to know that I can do so from a place of honesty.
I feel so demeaned by these videos. You know that I (and I can promise you that I am not alone) have no interest in putting down atheists or agnostics.
Other than propping up a wounded ego, what purpose does putting down another have? I say the same things to Christians who condemn you, Muslims that would kill you etc etc.
What is the point of supporting ones own position by the mockery of another's? I am so lost on that one.
You and your readers can hate or deride me, but I really hate that the only images ever shown are those - plentiful indeed - of the ugly side to religion.
There is no shortage of crimes in the name of God, but honestly there is also a lot of good. Even if you are unwilling to acknowledge it.
And on the topic of homosexuality, you read my blog Infidel and I do not know if you are paying attention, but there are numerous blogs on my blogroll that are the blogs of gay clergy and or clergy open to LGBT ministry.
So by lumping all "believers" into one handy, stupid package you demean all of us as human beings.
Why I would even bother to rant on about this is because I am ever curious about how one might promote one's position by simply putting down another's?
Voices like the ones in the video (although i must say i found that man attractive) are equal in timber to the voice of John Hagee and Rod Parsley to me.
And I want to tell all of them to STFU.
In the little that I know you in the blogworld, I have found you to be a person of intelligence and integrity
None of which is served by the posting of this video.
But hey it is your blog, your opinion. I can just go away. For some odd reason, I prefer not to.
I really hate that the only images ever shown are those - plentiful indeed - of the ugly side to religion.
That is not so. Our society is inundated in pro-religious sentiment -- drowning in it. The religious dominate utterly. It is those of us who are free of religion who are relentlessly vilified and defamed.
There are parts of our country where it is socially or even physically dangerous to be known as an atheist.
No serious Presidential candidate would dare reveal himself or herself openly as an atheist. All of them profess to be, and may actually be, religious. The intolerance of the religious demands it.
I am ever curious about how one might promote one's position by simply putting down another's?
You call it putting down another's position -- I call it exposing an evil which most people still refuse to acknowledge.
Everything in those videos is true. The holy books do say those things. The religious have done those things.
I know that you personally aren't like that, but people like you aren't what concerns me. What concerns me is people like those who want to ban abortion, those who will vote down gay marriage in California in November, those who oppose stem-cell research, those who slam airplanes into our skyscrapers or blow themselves up inside Israeli commuter buses.
So, yes, calling attention to these videos does indeed serve the causes of intelligence and integrity.
You may not like what they say, but it is true.
I don't devote nearly as much space on my site to religion as most atheist bloggers do -- frankly there are other subjects I find much more interesting -- but since I do regard religion as an evil, I reserve the right to occasionally post things that express the reasons why I feel that way.
All's fair in love, war and blogging I suppose.
I would simply posit that I see your words -
"You may not like what they say, but it is true."
You are correct and that is true - I may not like what you say.
Whether it is true or not is completely subjective.
Religion is evil to you, that is true.
It can be evil as I see, know and experience it.
So can life - with or without religion.
We will never agree on this and I am once again, happy to agree to disagree.
I am rather fond of you after all. It is one thing when people leave my blog in a huff over Hillary or Obama.
We can't let this come between us.
Anyway - it is YOUR blog, so your word rules.
Now I need to go see how you used the words of St. Paul on my blog! Without even having done more than glance at it I say - touche'!
Whether it is true or not is completely subjective.
No, it is not. It is an objectively-verifiable fact.
Those words are in those holy books. That is a fact. It is not subjective. It is not opinion. It is not subject to debate. It is true. Period.
Religious people have done the things that the videos imply they have done. That is a fact. It is not subjective. It is not opinion. It is not subject to debate. It is true. Period.
So can life - with or without religion.
You might as well say that life with or without cancer can be bad. That's true, but so what? It doesn't change the fact that cancer is bad.
Oh my dear, I am too fond of you to keep this up.
I would never deny that all sorts of evil have and continue to be done in the name of religion. There is no argument there and there never was on that part of it. That is all I can say without this escalating.
Other than that, I can't see the point in arguing with you.
Let us please continue to agree to disagree. I have no axe to grind and nothing to prove to you. I live my life in peace and wish for you to do the same - all with our freedom.
That is all.
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On work days there is likely to be a substantial delay in approving comments, since I can't do blog stuff in an office. For this I apologize.
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