Link roundup for 24 April 2008
The creationist/ID propaganda movie Expelled is turkeying out at the box office.
Read this primer on hiring women employees.
This guy seems to be getting himself pretty worked up.
Here's the world's oldest known tree -- twice the age of the Great Pyramid (link sent by Masterblurber).
An Australian gives his impressions of England.
I bet this kind of thing happens more often than we realize. Give people the benefit of the doubt!
Hot Lard presents the parable of the bird feeder.
After Pennsylvania, Hillary Clinton's case for the nomination hinges on electability. Her strengthening position deepens the superdelegates' dilemma. Jed Babbin says that Obama can't beat McCain; here's an argument that it's time for him to drop out. I'm seeing rising support for the Gore option. Clinton and (to some extent) Obama are moving toward realism on the Middle East.
Britain is allowing cancer patients who are dying anyway to try new treatments even if they're not yet fully approved -- what have they got to lose, after all?
I'm impressed with this guide for distinguishing pseudoscience from real science (found via Handmaiden).
Here's more on why scientists increasingly think that intelligent life is very rare in the universe (I still believe we are probably the universe's first and therefore only intelligent species).
The US military is joining the battle to give humans the ability to regrow lost body parts (found via Sentient Developments).
Artificial eyes are being implanted in blind patients in Britain.
Labels: Islam, Lighter side, Politics, Religion, Technology, Western Europe
Great links. The OGC logo is priceless!
If Obama wants to win the nomination and the election, he and his groupies had better learn to stop whining and start hitting back hard. And they'd better do it quickly.
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